You are here: Cashbook > Bank Reconciliation > Creating a New Bank Reconciliation > Debtor Payments

Debtor Payments

Payments made to customers can be entered as a direct transaction. Activating the Bank Reconciliation creates an invoice / debit adjustment in the Debtor record.


1. Select Direct Debtor Payment from the list box in the blank line in the Transactions grid. Date populated into the form is the Bank Rec date 
2. Select debtor account from search window - ledger account detail is automatically populated into the field
3. Enter in the Amount of the payment

The GST details are disabled in this form. GST/VAT is not applicable

4. Select Payment Type from the search window
5. Type in Invoice No - form cannot be saved without this field being present
6. Reference and Remark are optional
7. Save the transaction and the details are populated into the grid and marked as Reconciled

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